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Khabar Bhitra Ko Khabar - Popularity candidate before and after election
Khabar Bhitra Ko Khabar - (Excitement and expectations for local elections)
Khabar Bhitra Ko Khabar - (Expectations and differences in second local elections)
Khabar Bhitra Ko Khabar - (Nepali's Congress election)
Khabar Bhitra Ko Khabar - (Cabinet appoints IGP as Prakash Aryal)
Jana Sarokar - Bombs attacks at candidates
Nitish Kumar's Coarse Sexual Language in Bihar assembly Causes Storm With These Remarks & Gestures
Avenues @ 7 PM - 29.10.'22
भारतबाट अवैध रुपमा खसीवोका आयत हुदै ! - Khabar Bhitra Ko Khabar
Accident in Kushtia Gopalganj kills 4 | News & Current Affairs
पार्टी मात्र हैन काम गर्नेलाई दिने हो भोट || Nepal 2017 Local Election ||
यस्तो छ चुनाबी रौनक || Nepal 2074 Local Election || सुरु भयो नेताहरुको दश औला जोड्ने अभियान ||